Spatial Subsetting
library(sf) # Set up paths to data ard_path <- "data/AnalysisReady/AnalysisReady.gpkg" ws_path <- "data/source/watersheds/WBDHU12.shp" segi_path <- "data/source/segi/2023_GS_Groves_OTI_public.gdb" # Transform watershed data # open watershed shapefile ws <- st_read(ws_path) # View layers in analysis ready gpkg st_layers(ard_path) # Open the fire boundary layer fire <- st_read(ard_path, layer = "fire_boundary") # Are the CRSs the same? st_crs(ws) == st_crs(fire) # Reproject ws to match the fire dataset ws <- st_transform(ws, crs = st_crs(fire)) # Spatially subset watersheds # Create a new object that containing the watersheds that overlap with the fire boundary. ws_fire <- ws[fire, ] # Save the result in our analysis ready geopackage st_write(ws_fire, ard_path, layer = "watersheds") # Transform giant sequoia (segi) points data st_layers(segi_path) segi_pts <- st_read(segi_path, layer = "SEGI_OTI_2023_public") st_crs(segi_pts) == st_crs(fire) # Get the segi locations that are in the fire perimeter. # We'll use the piping operator (%>%) to chain together the workflow. # Ctrl + Shift + m is the shortcut key to %>% segi_pts_fire <- segi_pts %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(fire)) %>% st_filter(y = fire, .predicate = st_intersects) %>% st_write(ard_path, layer = "segi_points") # Transform SEGI polygons in a similar way st_layers(segi_path) segi_poly <- st_read(segi_path, layer = "OGS_Groves_2023_97_public") segi_poly <- st_cast(segi_poly, "MULTIPOLYGON") segi_poly_fire <- segi_poly %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(fire)) %>% st_filter(y = fire) %>% st_write(ard_path, layer = "segi_groves") # View the layers in the geopackage st_layers(ard_path)
Additional information on geometric operations with sf: