Raster Analysis in Python with GDAL
Required Software
Navigating Geospatial School Courses and Lessons
What is the Meaning of ‘GDAL’ ?
Install Anaconda/Miniconda
Create a Conda Environment
Install GDAL
Setup Project in VSCode
Download Datasets
Reading Raster Datasets
Open a Raster with GDAL
Get Raster Properties
The GDAL GeoTransform
Read Raster Band Data
Read a Window Defined by Coordinates
Properly Close a GDAL Dataset
Display a Raster with matplotlib
Install matplotlib
Display a Single-band Raster
Display an Image (Multi-band) Raster
Create a Raster Histogram
Multiple Raster Histograms
Writing Raster Datasets
GDAL Raster Drivers
Copy a Raster Dataset
Create a New Raster Dataset
Check the New Raster
Assigning Projections
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Raster Analysis in Python with GDAL
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